Hits, Quizzes & Stuff — Harley Buckner

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Monday 15:00 16:00
Tuesday 15:00 16:00
Wednesday 15:00 16:00
Thursday 15:00 16:00
Friday 15:00 16:00

Hits, Quizzes & Stuff — Harley Buckner
15:00–16:00 Monday–Friday

I’m the one who has never been a DJ! A pub/club entertainer and host, gasbag and racounteur are as close as I ever got.

On a trip to Canada a few years ago I came across a radio show which combined the music I loved with interesting snippets, anecdotes and quiz questions and thought to myself, if I get the opportunity that’s what I’d like to do. TopCat has given me that opportunity — hits of the ’70s through to the ’00s — it’s quizzy, it’s quirky and distinctly odd (but so am I).

To be reminded of Harley’s schedule please subscribe to his calendar in your calendar app of choice.

Hits, Quizzes & Stuff — Harley Buckner crew

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